
Four Ways U.S. States Can Reduce Their Emissions



NCEL Point of Contact

Ava Gallo
Climate and Energy Program Manager



To avoid the worst of climate change, the world must eliminate climate-harming emissions by 2050, and U.S. states have a critical role to play by setting emission reduction targets. In this video, find out how states can meet these targets by addressing four of the nation's largest sources of emissions - electricity, transportation, buildings, and land use - while also improving economic prosperity and public health outcomes.


NCEL Resources


Emission Reduction Targets

December 1, 2021

Online Resources

Emission Reduction Targets - NCEL

NCEL's webpage on emission reduction and 100% clean energy goals. Includes relevant facts, policies, and resources.

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Nature-Based Climate Solutions - NCEL

NCEL's webpage on nature-based climate solutions. Includes relevant facts, policies, and resources.

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