Legislator Spotlight

Legislator Spotlight: Senator Christine Cohen, Connecticut

September 18, 2024



NCEL Point of Contact

Dylan McDowell
Chief Executive Officer


What motivated you to get involved with environmental issues?

As a parent to three children, it is so important to me to address the threat of climate change. I desperately want to leave this world a better place for future generations, and while I am hopeful for change, I do think that we need critical action now in order to reverse warming and prevent disaster. As I became more involved in local and state politics, it became clear that environmental issues were at the top of the list for my constituents. From supporting farmers, to protecting Long Island Sound for both recreational and commercial purposes, to coastal resiliency – it became a continuance of a natural passion for me.

What environmental issues are you most passionate about and why? How have you worked in the legislature to address these issues?

With the threat of climate change the impetus of my environmental advocacy, I am so proud of the work I have done in that regard, for example the Connecticut Clean Air Act. Last session, I led the passage of legislation to address greenhouse emissions from the transportation sector – the leading carbon contributor. Through rebates for electric vehicles, expansion of charging infrastructure and funding the transition to all-electric buses, including school buses, we will have a marked and distinct impact on greenhouse gas emissions and air quality.

How has NCEL helped you in your work?

NCEL has been instrumental in our work, from sharing examples of best practices in other states, to providing critical data to help persuade my colleagues, the NCEL is an incredible source of support for me and my environment-focused colleagues. I have appreciated the collaborative calls amongst legislators, the knowledge of policy analysts, and the convening of federal contacts to better understand the impacts of national movements or public acts to our statewide causes.

What is your greatest environmental policy success story?

My greatest successes so far have been the Connecticut Clean Air Act, addressing PFAS in firefighting foam and fast food packaging, and banning single-use plastic bags. NCEL has played a major role not only in these big wins, but also in the smaller bills that perhaps do not gain major media attention, but play a role in securing a safer, greener Connecticut.

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