Connecting State Lands and Schools in Nevada
Nevada's Outdoor Education Advisory Workgroup, formed under Assembly Bill 164, provides recommendations for ways to make the outdoors an integral part of children's lives.
Each month, our Community Spotlights celebrate leaders and organizations who are changing the game in youth outdoor policy. Discover how they changed state policy to get more kids outside and get inspired by people making change happen with their communities!
Check out this month's featured spotlight Nature Niños' work to advance youth voices in outdoor policy spaces.
Read MoreAt 16 years old, Sonya Marie Harper dedicated herself to the community activism she would continue across careers in reporting, organic agriculture, nonprofit leadership, establishing her own PR firm, and beyond. The same dedication and connection to her community saw her run for and win her seat in the House of Representatives in 2015.
How do we harness the full potential of environmental education to create a more just and sustainable future? The Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance (SEEA) is using regional data to help answer that question.