Briefing Book

Transmission Briefing Book



NCEL Point of Contact

Ava Gallo
Climate and Energy Program Manager



In addition to introductory information on transmission in the U.S., this briefing book is broken down into four sections. First, we will examine how to better understand transmission and the opportunities presented by the “Three P’s of Transmission” (Planning, Permitting, and Paying). Second, we will examine how to maximize the capacity and ability of existing processes and infrastructure. Third, we will highlight ways to create new entities and authorities to better coordinate and streamline transmission development. Lastly, we will demonstrate how best to incorporate public interests into transmission policy to ensure that all communities benefit equally from this work.


NCEL Resources

Online Resources

Utilities and the Grid - NCEL

NCEL's webpage on electric utilities and the power grid with relevant information and policy options.

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Transmission 101 - Americans for a Clean Energy Grid

An introductory overview of transmission in the U.S., including how its planned, paid for, permitted, and regulated.

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How Consumers Are Harmed by the Lack of Transmission - U.S. DOE

A few ways that a lack of transmission can harm consumers and how the Department of Energy's work is helping address these challenges

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