Success Story

States Coordinate Action Against Offshore Drilling



NCEL Point of Contact

Dylan McDowell
Chief Executive Officer



In response to the Trump administration’s rollbacks to offshore drilling protections and proposals to open up more than 90% of the coastline to oil and gas exploration and construction, states actively worked to protect coastlines and prevent new exploration.


NCEL initially organized a sign-on letter with 225+ signatures from state legislators around the country in opposition to the Trump Administration’s rollback of offshore drilling restrictions.  From there, NCEL mobilized legislators in coastal states through an innovative coastal caucus to strategize around blocking drilling and the building of fossil fuel infrastructure in state waters. To continue raising awareness around the expansion of offshore drilling and solutions to curtail it, NCEL featured a session on offshore drilling at our 2018 National Forum and organized a press event in 2019 for legislators to announce their coordinated effort to pursue drilling bans. 


  • As of 2022,
    • 10 states have offshore drilling bans.
    • 50% of the country’s coastal population is protected from offshore drilling.


NCEL Resources

Online Resources

Legislators from Nine States Announce Coordinated Effort to Block Offshore Drilling

Joint press release from state legislators in nine states

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Over 200 Legislators Oppose Proposed Offshore Drilling Program

Letter to BOEM opposing proposed offshore drilling expansion

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