Page Title: H.B.7491: An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers — Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (Authorizes The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority To Enter Into Certain Projects And Procure Related Services Including The Transit Center Project, Using Design Build Contracting And Progressive Design Build Contracting.)
Bill ID: H.B.7491
Bill Title: An Act Relating To Public Utilities And Carriers -- Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (Authorizes The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority To Enter Into Certain Projects And Procure Related Services Including The Transit Center Project, Using Design Build Contracting And Progressive Design Build Contracting.)
Bill Description:
Sponsors List RI Rep. William "Bill" O'Brien (D-RI-054), RI Rep. Carol McEntee (D-RI-033), RI Rep. Samuel "Sam" Azzinaro (D-RI-037), RI Rep. Camille Vella Wilkinson (D-RI-021), RI Rep. Thomas "Tom" Noret (D-RI-025), RI Rep. Edward Cardillo (D-RI-042), RI Rep. Matthew "Matt" Dawson (D-RI-065), RI Rep. Evan Shanley (D-RI-024), RI Rep. Anthony DeSimone (D-RI-005), RI Rep. John "Jay" Edwards (D-RI-070)
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