National Forum

2024 National Forum

August 1-3, 2024



NCEL Point of Contact

Taylor Anderson
Communications Director


Over 115 Lawmakers Attend NCEL’s National Forum in Louisville to Learn and Collaborate on Environmental Policy 

Overview: State legislators from across the country convened for two days at NCEL’s 2024 National Forum to network, learn about trending environmental topics, and collaborate on policy solutions for a healthier planet and people.

On August 1-3, NCEL held its annual National Forum in Louisville, Kentucky bringing together over 115 legislators from 37 states and territories with experts from across the nation to discuss pressing environmental issues and strategize on actionable policy solutions for their home states related to climate, energy, conservation, and environmental health. 

This year’s National Forum continued NCEL’s commitment to ensuring a healthy environment for all, with plenary sessions focused on equity-centered zero-waste solutions, the environmental justice perspective in the conservation movement, and how to enhance collaboration between all levels of government in climate policymaking. 

The 2024 keynote speaker, Juan D. Martinez – National Geographic Explorer and founder of Fresh Tracks at The Aspen Institute – spoke about the healing benefits of time in nature, the importance of community-led solutions, and opportunities to authentically engage impacted communities in public land stewardship. Attendees also heard from Mary Frances Repko – the White House’s Deputy Climate Advisor – on how states and the federal government can work together more efficiently on environmental solutions, including maximizing the benefits from the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for states. 

From top left to right (clockwise): Keynote conversation with Juan D. Martinez; remarks from Mary Frances Repko, White House Deputy Climate Advisor; NCEL President and Hawaiʻi State Senator Chris Lee, Director of the Office of Land and Ocean Conservation Futures at the University of Hawaiʻi Suzanne Case, and NCEL Executive Director Dylan McDowell; Opening plenary session, The Conservation Movement: Re-Told Through a Lens of Justice.

On the final day of the Forum, NCEL announced an exciting new partnership with the University of Hawai’i to provide state legislators with environmental research expertise to expand access to evidence-based best practices and strong policy solutions.  

Other Forum session topics ranged in focus to address the most pressing environmental matters and provide suitable policy solutions for state lawmakers across different regions, political parties, and economies, including: 

  • Improving transmission for a clean energy future
  • Limiting the use and exposure to PFAS “Forever Chemicals”
  • Promoting biodiversity in urban environments 
  • Market-based climate and energy solutions
  • Reducing microplastics
  • 30×30 and other innovative land conservation solutions
  • Climate risk in financial decision making 
  • Wetland conservation
  • Addressing the environmental and health impacts of pesticides 
State legislators and presenters take part in the various breakout sessions at NCEL’s 2024 National Forum.

Attendees heard from other legislators who have found success in these different policy areas as well as experts from groups such as Earthjustice, the Wilderness Society, Break Free From Plastic, Ocean Conservancy, and many more. 

2024 NCEL Awards: Celebrating Rising Environmental Leaders, Achievements, and Activism

On the first day of the Forum, NCEL recognized seven legislators for their exceptional work to improve the health of their state’s environment and communities. 

2024 Award winners (top left to right clockwise): Kentucky State Rep. Nima Kulkarni, Indiana State Rep. Maureen Bauer, Colorado State Senator Chris Hansen, Oregon State Senator Michael Dembrow, Minnesota State Rep. Frank Hornstein, Wisconsin State Rep. Darrin Madison (attended virtually), and Utah State Senator Nate Blouin.

Rising Environmental Leader Award

NCEL presented Utah State Senator Nate Blouin and Wisconsin State Representative Darrin Madison with the Rising Environmental Leader Award for their strong leadership on environmental issues early in their legislative careers.

  • Utah Senator Nate Blouin was recognized for his growing leadership role in enhancing the power grid for the renewable energy future.
  • Wisconsin Representative Darrin Madison was recognized for his work engaging his colleagues and finding common ground on complicated environmental issues including equitable outdoor access.

Environmental Achievement Award

NCEL presented Colorado State Senator Chris Hansen, Oregon State Senator Michael Dembrow, and Minnesota State Representative Frank Hornstein with the 2024 Environmental Achievement Award for their outstanding accomplishments on environmental issues throughout their careers. 

  • Colorado Senator Chris Hansen was recognized for the leadership role he has played in transitioning to a climate-friendly power grid, including becoming known as the go-to contact for grid policy in the Western region.
  • Oregon Michael Dembrow was recognized for a strong career of environmental leadership that includes working devotedly on climate action, extended producer responsibility for plastics, wetland protection, and helping to coordinate NCEL members around national initiatives.
  • Minnesota Representative Frank Hornstein was recognized for a career dedicated to environmental progress, including helping to pass a historic sustainable transportation package in 2023, highlighting U.S. state climate leadership with NCEL at COP27, and spearheading NCEL efforts speaking out against fossil fuel infrastructure.

Environmental Activism Award

NCEL presented Kentucky State Representative Nima Kulkarni and Indiana State Representative Maureen Bauer with the Environmental Activism Award for their leadership in persevering against the odds in the fight for the environment, equity, and justice. 

  • Kentucky Representative Nima Kulkarni was recognized for her dedicated leadership on a variety of environmental justice issues and for using innovative approaches to increase buy-in from a range of constituents on environmental matters.
  • Indiana Representative Maureen Bauer was recognized for her dedication to improving water quality and protecting communities against toxic chemicals, including the passage of her legislation to protect firefighters against harmful exposure to PFAS “forever chemicals.” 

Evening Receptions and Exploring the Ohio River

Outside of the formal sessions during the day, the NCEL Forum provided lawmakers with other opportunities to connect and learn from one another, including our two evening receptions and a post-Forum outdoor outing exploring the Ohio River Watershed.

Photos from the NCEL Forum receptions at Copper and Kings Distillery and the Waterfront Botanical Gardens

Opening Reception at Copper and Kings

The Forum weekend kicked off Thursday evening at Copper and Kings distillery in the heart of Louisville, where lawmakers received a warm welcome from NCEL Board Member and Pennsylvania State Representative Chris Rabb, heard about some of the largest 2024 state policy successes from NCEL Executive Director Dylan McDowell, and enjoyed refreshments while connecting with other lawmakers from across the country. 

Evening Reception at Waterfront Botanical Gardens

Following the Forum’s first full day on Friday, attendees convened in the evening for a reception at Louisville’s picturesque Waterfront Botanical Gardens. As the sun set and food was served, the Environmental Achievement Award winners were announced and legislators in attendance exchanged ideas from everything learned during the first day.

Outdoor Outing: Exploring the Ohio River Watershed

After the Forum concluded on Saturday, legislators joined NCEL staff to explore the Ohio River Watershed via kayak and canoe to reflect on the Forum and celebrate the importance of outdoor access, recreation, and education. Before hitting the water, legislators took part in a discussion featuring outdoor policy leaders where they heard about emerging policy trends and opportunities for their states. 

Looking Ahead: Continued State Leadership 

Following two full days of learning and collaboration, Forum attendees left feeling inspired and ready to champion new environmental solutions in their home states. While the impending election creates uncertainty for federal protections, states are ready to lead on high-impact environmental solutions, with the 2024 Forum and other NCEL events serving as a launching point for states to coordinate their efforts. Going into 2025, states are set to maintain their leadership position and drive bold initiatives to ensure a healthy environment for all.


Created by and for state legislators, the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that organizes over 1,300 environmentally-committed state legislators from all 50 states and both parties. NCEL provides venues and opportunities for lawmakers to share ideas and collaborate on environmental issues.

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