Page Title:
S.B.79: AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising requirements relating to licenses or permits for a child who is under 12 years of age; revising provisions relating to the deferral of the use of a tag to hunt a big game mammal under certain extenuating circumstances; revising provisions relating to the issuance of duplicate licenses; revising provisions relating to replacement tags for certain infected animals; requiring the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to prescribe by regulation fees for certain licenses, permits and tags; authorizing the Commission to adjust such fees for inflation; revising the types of tags for which the Commission must prescribe fees by regulation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Bill ID:
Bill Title:
AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising requirements relating to licenses or permits for a child who is under 12 years of age; revising provisions relating to the deferral of the use of a tag to hunt a big game mammal under certain extenuating circumstances; revising provisions relating to the issuance of duplicate licenses; revising provisions relating to replacement tags for certain infected animals; requiring the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to prescribe by regulation fees for certain licenses, permits and tags; authorizing the Commission to adjust such fees for inflation; revising the types of tags for which the Commission must prescribe fees by regulation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
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