Page Title: S.2800: Senate, May 23, 2024 – Text Of The Senate Amendment To The House Bill Making Appropriations For The Fiscal Year 2025 For The Maintenance Of The Departments, Boards, Commissions, Institutions And Certain Activities Of The Commonwealth, For Interest, Sinking Fund And Serial Bond Requirements And For Certain Permanent Improvements (House, No. 4601) (Being The Text Of Senate, No. 4, Printed As Amended).
Bill ID: S.2800
Bill Title: Senate, May 23, 2024 – Text Of The Senate Amendment To The House Bill Making Appropriations For The Fiscal Year 2025 For The Maintenance Of The Departments, Boards, Commissions, Institutions And Certain Activities Of The Commonwealth, For Interest, Sinking Fund And Serial Bond Requirements And For Certain Permanent Improvements (House, No. 4601) (Being The Text Of Senate, No. 4, Printed As Amended).
Bill Description: Funding
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