Page Title: H.B.7859: An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government — Motor Vehicles Owned By A Governmental Body (Requires That Any Government Owned Vehicle That Is To Be Replaced, Be Replaced With A Zero-Emission Vehicle, Defined As A Vehicle Which Produces No Emissions From The On-Board Source Of Power.)
Bill ID: H.B.7859
Bill Title: An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- Motor Vehicles Owned By A Governmental Body (Requires That Any Government Owned Vehicle That Is To Be Replaced, Be Replaced With A Zero-Emission Vehicle, Defined As A Vehicle Which Produces No Emissions From The On-Board Source Of Power.)
Bill Description:
Sponsors List RI Rep. Kathleen "Kathy" Fogarty (D-RI-035), RI Rep. Lauren Carson (D-RI-075), RI Rep. Katherine Kazarian (D-RI-063), RI Rep. Rebecca Kislak (D-RI-004), RI Rep. Karen Alzate (D-RI-060), RI Rep. Terri "Terri-Denise" Cortvriend (D-RI-072), RI Rep. June Speakman (D-RI-068), RI Rep. Brandon Potter (D-RI-016), RI Rep. Michelle McGaw (D-RI-071), RI Rep. Jennifer Boylan (D-RI-066)
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