Page Title:
H.B.4132: Requires the State Department of Fish and Wildlife, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission and the Department of State Lands to implement the Ocean Policy Advisory Council recommendations to develop an adaptive management and social monitoring program to support marine reserves.
Bill ID:
Bill Title:
Requires the State Department of Fish and Wildlife, the State Fish and Wildlife Commission and the Department of State Lands to implement the Ocean Policy Advisory Council recommendations to develop an adaptive management and social monitoring program to support marine reserves.
Bill Description:
Sponsors List
OR Sen. Kathleen Taylor (D-OR-021), OR Sen. Suzanne Weber (R-OR-016), OR Sen. Kayse Jama (D-OR-024), OR Sen. Dick Anderson (R-OR-005), OR Sen. Janeen Sollman (D-OR-015), OR Rep. David Gomberg (D-OR-010), OR Sen. Chris Gorsek (D-OR-025)
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