Page Title: A.B.165: AN ACT relating to outdoor education; establishing the Outdoor Education Council within the Division of Outdoor Recreation of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; prescribing the membership and duties of the Council; requiring the Council to establish and administer a program to award designations relating to outdoor education; authorizing the Council to adopt certain regulations relating to the program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Bill ID: A.B.165
Bill Title: AN ACT relating to outdoor education; establishing the Outdoor Education Council within the Division of Outdoor Recreation of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; prescribing the membership and duties of the Council; requiring the Council to establish and administer a program to award designations relating to outdoor education; authorizing the Council to adopt certain regulations relating to the program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Bill Description: Environmental Education and Outdoor Learning
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